Sunday, November 16, 2014

Hands Free Breast Pump Using Pony Tail Holders

I found this idea on a YouTube video, and for the life of me, cannot find that video again (so if you actually made this, let me know, Id love to give you credit for it!)

This is beyond brilliant! its so easy, and obviously like 100% cheaper than a pumping bra- which I don't really get, when your not pumping do your nipples just like hang out all day or what?? are you suppose to take the time to undress and put on a nursing bra and then change back every two hours, cuz ain't Nobody got time for that!

step 1: find some hair ties
step 2: hook them together
step 3:hook them to your bra (the same way as you hook them together) or if you have a nursing tank, just stick it on to the little clamp part)
step 4: loop one holder through the flange of your breast pump
step 5: stick it to your boob!!

I was able to write this whole post, using both hands, because of this nifty little idea!

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