Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Infant Safe Moon Sand

So when I use to work, once upon a time,  My favorite FAVORITE thing about working in the Preschool room, was MOON SAND... (ok I mean, preschool kids are pretty cool, and helping kids learn, and the ridiculous things kids that age say, were also my favorites, but seriously MOON SAND!!)

If you don't know what moon sand is, you are missing out! its like pure amazingness. Its sand, but sticky, but yet, not... its almost like having a tub of wet sand, only better (and not wet).  Any time you pull out Moon Sand around kids, they are sure to FLIP OUT its so fun!

So I found a Homemade recipe for moon sand, which was just flower and baby oil (do they even sell baby oil any more??) anyways, I figured I probably shouldn't let a baby eat baby oil, and that id try out olive oil!! so thats what I did!!

  I am nearly certain, the cheaper, vegetable oil, would work just as good, however, I didn't have any on hand, otherwise I would have used it instead!

We used about (no I didn't measure) a cup of all purpose flour (again I am pretty sure you could use what ever flour substitute you use)  and just less than a 1/4 cup of olive oil!! and mix it together!!!

I did try to add yellow food coloring (thats what those yellow specks are) however it was pointless! maybe a different color would have been better, but either way, it was not an essential part to the fun!

Bennett (age 7.5 months) did eat a few hand fulls, however I noticed he was really trying to work on his Pincer Grasp (thats just a link to what the pincer grasp is, and why its important) - which made me a VERY HAPPY MOMMA - the "sand" would stick together in little clumps, and he would try to pick up each little clump with his pointer finger and thumb!!

This can also be adapted for children who are not sitting yet - by either having them lay on their belly (yeah Bennett HATES tummy time) or sitting in their highchair (I am sure I have mentioned before that I never allow sensory time to be done in a highchair, as to not confuse him that high chairs are for EATING, and the floor is for PLAYING, however you don't have to think the same way as me!)

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