Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Why I Serve Bottles Cold

When my son was about 5 weeks old he was hospitalized with a Subgaleal Hemorrhage, at that time I had been trying (unsecessfully) to breast feed, while he was in the hospital (for what seemed like forever!) I ended up switching to exclusively pumping.
   Anyways, while he was there I would pump the milk, and give it to a nurse to refrigerate, and then when he was ready for a feeding, I would ask for the milk back and she would give it back to me.  I remember the first time I asked for the bottle of milk, the nurse came back with a PIPING hot glass of water, to warm the bottle in. I told her that I didn't need the glass, he drinks the bottles cold.  She looked at me, like I was an alien from outer space, thought really hard for about a full minute, and goes "thats absolutely brilliant".
she then proceeded to ask "does he really take it cold though?" and I said "well he doesn't really know any different, and he seems to prefer it over nursing!"

This has been, perhaps, the BEST parenting choice I have made (I mean for a small scale decision, probably insisting that the ER was wrong, and bringing him back into the pediatrician when I noticed the bump on his head was the BEST decision I made, but thats not the kind of decision im talking about here)

So why do I think its the best choice I made? even though grandmas every where think I am a terrible mother. let me tell you!

1.  When you warm up breast milk too fast, or too hot, you actually LOSE nutrients! thats right, that bottle of liquid gold, can actually be losing its nutrients (before baby ever gets it) just because it was warmed up TOO fast or TOO hot (*this does not happen if you run it under luke warm water, but I found its very hard to keep a sink running luke warm, and luke warm water is not always available, and we live in Southern California, and there is a massive drought going on) this is why you should NEVER warm up breast milk in a bottle warmer!!! NEVER NEVER NEVER!

2. I burned Bennetts mouth- one time, when I warmed up his bottle, it was the middle of the night, half asleep, I forgot to check the temp (or maybe I did check the temp, and I just didn't realize how hot it was) when I shoved the bottle in his mouth he let out the worse SCREAM I had ever heard! he was just a new baby and I NEVER wanted that to happen again! for the next few days he would literally wince as he started to suck on the bottle, like he was actually afraid of it too!! This was just not something I was willing to risk again!

3. Do you ever drink warm milk?? I know some people do actually, but the thought literally makes me nauseous! WARM milk! gross, plus when you are thirsty, would you rather a warm drink, or a cool drink?? id prefer cool! thank you very much- plus I believe this is why his transition to water/juice and eventually regular milk has been so easy!

4. ITS SO EASY! I am sure someone will shoot back with a "your a lazy mom" comment. but hear me out, how do you keep a bottle warm out in public?? once a bottle is warmed up, you gotta drink that up pronto, keep a bottle in a little cooler, and it is good for hours!! HOURS!
Now that we use formula, this has only become more and more convent, just carry formula and a bottle of water in our diaper bag, and he can eat within 30 seconds of wanting a bottle, at any given time.
While I was doing research on this, I saw someone say that it should be abuse,and that if you are out and you need a bottle, just ask for hot water, and let it sit until its cooled off enough- excuse me?? you want me to let my baby be hungry for, what, 15 minutes? while a glass of HOT water becomes warm water?? when I could just grab this glass of water I'm drinking, and pour it into a bottle and he will be DONE eating, before your bottle cools off!
We also prep bottles the night before, and then stick them in the fridge, that way throughout the night, all I have to do, is grab a bottle from the fridge, and plop it in Bs mouth! no measuring, no scooping, no nothing! fridge to mouth in 30 seconds flat!

5. It is not harmful! so many people think cold bottles will give a baby colic, or make the unsettled, or  make them stay awake.  Which I really don't understand.  Bennett was the BEST baby ever- I swear he never had a SINGLE fussy day in his new born life ( now that he is an older baby, he is, strong willed lol) barely ever spit up, and was an excellent eater! now sure that could be a coincidence. maybe it would have been that way if he had warm bottles, or maybe not.  Im just saying, there is not a single piece of evidence (aside from people who say that it should be warmed because thats what their parents did, and their parents before them did) that says it will give a baby colic, or make them sleep less- also Bennett has always been a great sleeper, he wakes up to eat, but he has never been wide awake in the middle of the night, and im talking not once since day 1 of his life!

what do you think? have you ever heard of serving bottles cold? do you do it?? what is your experience with it? 

1 comment:

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