Tuesday, May 5, 2015


So I realize that there is some controversy over using "food as toys"- and honestly, there was a time in my life when it would have made me CRY to see food being "wasted" because it was used on the floor and then thrown away (Come on, I lived in Eastern Africa for a while, I saw people DYING over this much food!) 

Anyways, you can have what ever thoughts you want to have about food as toys, I get it, However, I will continue to let Bennett play with food (although we NEVER play in his highchair, because eating time is for eating, playing time is for playing) and plus, "food" is something that nourishes the body, noodles, while "edible' and delicious are hardly "food", in my opinion. 

Plus, I think its important to for babies to be exposed to little objects too, and most little things, are a choking hazard. *mind you it is important to stay close, while these noodles were too big for him to swallow, it is important to make sure they don't bite off more than they can deal with!*

these noodles were SO MUCH FUN! they were getting stuck all over the place (I had cooked them the day before, and then stuck them in the fridge until play time!)  he had fun trying to peel them off the floor, and one got stuck between his toes! 

having different color noodles is just way more fun than normal brown noodles! 

Oodles of Noodles
bring a pan of water to a boil, add food coloring, and any desired amount of noodles 
cook el dente- or however you care to do it!

drain, cool and play!

This could also be a super fun lunch for older babies as well!! or imagine a whole kiddie pool of colored noodles!!! TOO MUCH FUN! 

Clean up: cleaning up was a total breeze! well ok, I let the dog eat most of it, but if you don't have a dog (get one), or if you don't want your dog to eat a boat load of noodles, they just sweep right up! From experience, noodles and rice are SUPER easy to clean once they have dried back up :) no more stickiness, so if you do find that they are bouncing around when you sweep, just give it a couple hours and they will dry up! 

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