Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Inside Water Play

Heres the deal. I LOVE WATER PLAY, and Bennett loves anything and everything to do with water - who wouldn't?! especially since he has spent about 1/6th of his life living in MEXICO, he was a little pool man, the entire time we were there!  I honestly think we went through more swim diapers in mexico, than regular diapers!

So I love to bring that water back to his life, and bath time is fun and all, but I live in a tiny house, with a very tiny bathroom, and while Bennett loves to play in there, I find it less than exciting sitting on the floor, with my face like two inches from the toilet (which gets clean far less often than it should).

I also would love to do outdoor play, and we are getting a little pool soon, but our backyard is just as small as our bathroom, and we live in the desert, which means the entire thing is like half concrete and half hard sand/dirt... neither of which I trust Bennetts sittings skills with just yet....soon though, we will be trying it out.

Plus there are all sorts of days that outdoor play just ain't gonna happen (snow, rain, wind, cold, hot, mom drank one to many glasses of wine and there are not sunglasses in the world dark enough for the outdoors, you get the point! lol)

so enjoy your indoor water play!

you can add any toys you wanted (we stuck to spoons, because he happens to be really into spoons right now) but older children could use a bigger pan, and scoop water,  smaller babies could use less water and just use their hands.  Don't be afraid to stick the baby IN the water.  But please watch your child carefully!! it does not take much water to drown in!! 

This does make a bit of a mess, I suggest a dog, or just one big towel (I happened to be just about to be doing a load of towels, so i just wiped it up with a towel and stuck it in the wash afterwards, easy as can be) 

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