Wednesday, May 27, 2015

DIY Teething Biscuits

Earlier today I had Bennett in his high chair, feeding him puffs, and his all time favorite "wagon wheels" (Gerber makes them and he just loves them) anyways, this has kind of become a daily afternoon treat for him, while I clean up the kitchen!  anyways, He finishes all of his snack, and then starts pounding on the tray of his high chair (yeah he can't figure out sign language, that I have been trying to teach him for 4 months now, but he knows how to get what he wants lol) which means "I AM STILL HUNGRY MA"

so I go to the cupboard to grab some more when "AGHH we are out!" and well, honestly the last thing I want to do is go to the grocery store today (or tomorrow for that matter).  So tough luck for him, for today's snack (actually I just cut up chunks of an apple and he sucked on that).  But what am I to do for tomorrow?? p.s my husband and I are fairly certain these "snacks" are not one bit good for babies. they are oh so sweet- which probably means, oh so sugary

so I get to investigating (no my kitchen never did get clean) it took 4 different attempts, but I came up with an awesome recipe. Actually I got two recipes, one for biscuits and one for puffs, but ill post that one later!

DIY Teething Biscuits
1/2 Cup of flour 
1/2 Cup of Infant Cereal (I used oatmeal because B is obsessed)
1 jar of baby food (or use freshly mashed fruits)
1 T. oil 
3-4 T water

Just combine all ingredients and then knead it together until it becomes like a dough!
flatten it on a floured surface (or just lay out some tin foil, that's what I did and nothing stuck, and much easier to clean up!) and roll it to about 1/4 inch and use a knife to cut into long sticks.

Bennett approved! 
I baked mine at 350 for about 45 minutes. however I wanted mine to be hard as a rock, thinking he could chew on it longer, in hindsight it was a bit too hard, and took a bit too long for him to eat! 
so maybe a little less time would be better- just depends on where your child is as far as eating skills go! 

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