Monday, May 25, 2015

Sensory Table for Babies

This is one of those "duhhh, why have I never thought of this" sensory ideas!

First off, when I want Bennett to play with a sensory item, with just his hands, instead of his entire body, I always do so, by putting the sensory item in a heavy glass pan.  for one very simple reason, he isn't strong enough to tip it over... now if it is something that is soft/fluffy then I kind of want his whole body to experience it, in which case I just give it to him, but I find that the glass pan works the best! (and it keeps it slightly cleaner!)

Today we just simply did a rice sensory activity! I didn't give him any extra toys (although usually I will) mostly because rice is a VERY new texture to babies (you probably haven't let them have anything small before!)

There is obviously a bit of a choking warning- however, Bennett ate a lot of it, and he had no problem! he would just kind of "chew it" (gum it?? I don't know, he doesn't have teeth yet! lol) and then swallow- although I did try to reinforce "Not in your mouth" but lets face it, babies explore with their mouths! so eating it was just fine (he is 7 months old)

I got my bag of rice for 69 cents I believe, and since we did this activity over the shower curtain (gosh that was a brilliant purchase, and it was only like a dollar) i was able to save all the rice that fell out of the "table"  and put it in a zip lock bag- which means it should be good to play with again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and, you get the point!

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