Monday, May 25, 2015

Edible Baby Sand

So I had originally heard of someone making "edible sand" using bread- and she suggested that you take an old loaf of bread (one that is getting hard) and then cut off the crust, and then cut each slice into 1/4s and then put them in a blender...well sorry but ain't no body got time for that..

Plus when I was pregnant, I had an unhealthy addiction to Cheerios, which means when I started nesting, I bought, like, I don't know, 10? boxes of cheerios... well the second Bennett was born, I was so sick of cheerios, Id be happy if I never had to eat them again!

So I just stuck a box of cheerios in a blender, and just like that, I had sand!

that being said, there is no reason you couldn't use what ever it is you have at home, crackers? corn flakes? animal crackers? rice? the list goes on, and on! just stick it in the blender,  until soft and "sand like".

Bennett Loved this one, although he ate A LOT of it, so if you are nervous about baby trying new foods, be extra observant.  We (at 7 months) are pretty sure he is allergy free so I wasn't too concerned!

We did this over the shower curtain, which mean clean up took like a second! and I saved the "sand" in a zip lock bag, which means it should be good for a week or more!!

leave a comment below about how it worked for you! or if you have any new ideas on what to use!!

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